
Innate well-being

Life and Death

The return to school was the hardest. I didn’t know how to be with people again and people didn’t know how to be with me. My teacher, a stern ex-army sergeant, made no reference to where I’d been. In the playground, a friend asked me ‘Are you happy?’ I replied yes and she said ‘You shouldn’t be. Your Daddy has died.’ I stayed there for a moment trying to be OK but then...

It’s hard to be ten and to lose the gentlest, funniest, most intelligent father imaginable. It’s hard to be any age and lose a…

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L’enfer c’est les autres

Jean-Paul Sartre concisely articulated the experience we probably all have at some point: hell is other people.

Is there anyone who hasn’t felt the free fall of grief, the thud of rejection, the tension of conflict, the loneliness of indifference, the bristling of being unjustly criticised or the stabs of irritation?

And that’s just the common and garden variety of hell.

Plenty of people have far more extreme and traumatic experiences from childhood right through to present day.

It’s estimated that …

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Be more amoeba?

An ape remembers a tool they need to retrieve an inaccessible reward and heads off in search of it.

A cave man sketches a hunt scene on the stone wall, allowing for the transportation of his learning to another, long after the hunt itself is over.

A scientist designs a rocket that will reach a planet no one has never visited.

Even the amoeba, a single-celled organism, stores memory in protein structures.

The more evolved and complex the organism, the greater the ability to move conceptually, intelle…

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You are unique ...

No one else can say something in the way that you say it.

No one else has your mannerisms, your stance, your accent, your vocabulary, your way of being present.

No one else looks like you. No one else has your way of looking at people.

No one else can move or be still, make sound or be silent, create or do nothing in the way that you can.

No one else can listen like you.

No one can write like you, sing like you, dance like you, paint like you, cook like you.

No one else has your insight or your intell…

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The eternal confusion of the identified mind…

In October and November, we are looking at expression and authenticity in a course called VOICE.

It is designed to get to grips with all aspects of communication that don’t sit well with us.

Why do we lie, pretend, hold ourselves back, stay silent, talk too much, get offended, hide our work, procrastinate, avoid criticism or risk…?

In other words, what obstructs our truth?

What limits the expansion of our work, presence, capacity in the world?

What creates so much stress or suffering that withdrawal,…

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Everything changes as the mind settles into reality. 

Everything changes as the mind settles into reality.

At the same time, nothing changes.

Of course - you wouldn’t expect this to be any other way by now surely?

Let’s look at them both.

On the one hand, of course it does. Everything changes. The whole programme running the experience, the behaviour is different. The system on which the software is running is changing from a belief in separation to the realisation of completeness, from fighting delusion to simply being.

But on the other hand, …

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Ten Ways

The human mind is a miraculous super power capable of extraordinary feats of imagination and creation.

Awesome. What’s not to love about that…?

Well, these powerful mental constructs, in the form of memories, fears, projections, anxieties, shame, insecurities and needs, can also disrupt and obscure the peace and pure potential of this present moment.

And all of them revolve around, are held and maintained, like planets around a sun, by this idea of self. The concept of who we are is like a spider a…

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[extract from SANE, getting real with reality]

Who we are is not limited to this body and mind. In fact, the body and mind is an experience of perception, in the infinite field of awareness that we really are. With this understanding, the idea of an objective self becomes less and less believable. As we realise we are the space in which all appears, separation between self and other, between other and other begins to fade.

Hearing this can send us into a spin. After all, our entire lives so far ha…

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Learning the mind

The four stages of learning can be applied to any skill, task or competence. You might be familiar with them:
  • Unconscious incompetence - we don’t know that we don’t know
  • Conscious incompetence - we know that we don’t know
  • Conscious competence - we work at what we don’t know
  • Unconscious competence - we don’t have to think about knowing it
The question is whether they can be applied to the ultimate task of learning - the mind itself. Let’s have a look…

 1. Unconscious incompetenc…

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Troubled Genius

Creative prowess, towering intellect, the link with suffering and what to do about it…?

Pythagorus, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf, Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Isaac Newton, Judy Garland, Robert Schumann, Lord Byron, Michelangelo, Winston Churchill, Sylvia Plath, Francis Crick….

The list of troubled geniuses goes on and on. And these are just the few who have made it through the suffering to expression and creating in recognised form… Far greater numbers, as we well know, are…

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