
If nothing meant anything, what would you do?


This is the question that could finally send us all into the abyss. (Sorry about that.)

Or into a breath-taking world of genuine purpose, possibility and expansion. (Better...)

I've been wondering about it a lot recently. If nothing meant anything what would I do?

Because if we are really honest and clear, nothing in our lives has any meaning other than the one we give it and this can change from one moment to another, from one thought to the next.

Even (or perhaps especially) the words that seem so…

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The stress test - how to know you are in your full power

stressed-simpsonI have a wonderful new client who came to me with some goals that she wanted to work on through coaching. Not so unreasonable you might be thinking.

And a couple of months ago I would have jumped right into the goals with her, making sure they were SMART and all the rest of it, being there to encourage and spur her on.

But with the clarity I have now, I could see that there was a stress around the goals. She was making them mean something about her value and worth which created a pressure to achie…

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"Be yourself." "Well OK...but who am I?"

cartoon_character who am I

Authenticity is a big buzz word. "Be yourself" we keep getting told. And that would be great of course... if we knew who we are.

The more I coach people and the more I explore the nature of the self and reality and our understanding of ourselves, the clearer it is to me that if we think we know who we are then we are surely missing out.

It is the opposite of accepted wisdom (build yourself up, create your identity, stamp your personality on a meeting or the world) but in my experience the most dee…

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How to turn your life into a creative masterpiece


I've never thought of myself as creative. My four year old draws better than me. I got a fail in my needlework O'level. My cooking repertoire has reduced itself down to macaroni cheese.

And yet I am realising now, thanks to Michael Neill and the Super Coach Academy, that I am creating all the time.

We all are.

And when we really understand our creative power and know where it comes from we can use it to turn our life into a masterpiece.

Know that we are creating the whole time.

A stream of thoughts …

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10 ways to tell you are living your true purpose


The importance of our individual purpose here on earth has been identified since the beginning of human thought. It is referred to as 'dharma' in the ancient Indian text the Bhagavad Gita and today it is recognised in the most respected human development research as the key to motivation and fulfilment.

Don't worry if you don't know your purpose.

The very fact that you are reading this is a sign that you are open to discovering it and that it will become clear to you. The following points will hel…

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Telekinesis and the school run: 7 everyday super powers


On a Wednesday my daughter gets the school bus.

Every Wednesday at 8.14 I turn into Stephen King's Carrie, head to toe in pigs' blood, setting fire to everything I point at. Well, my equivalent is zips breaking and shoes disappearing. Less blood and fire and screaming prom queens. More yoghurt and toddlers refusing to put pants on. Which I guess is why the book wasn't based on me. 'Clare. Know her school run schedule. Feel her Power'.

This gets me thinking though of the other super powers we all h…

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Uninterested, clueless, sceptical... the essential qualities to look for in a life coach

changes ahead

This year I've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time working with, observing and being coached by some of the best coaches on the planet.

This is my take on what makes an outstanding coach.

1. They know you don't need them and they tell you that... They know that you have everything you need to live your life in the most joyful, peaceful, healthy and prosperous way. The only job of a coach is to help you see that for yourself. This is about clarity never dependency.

2. Often they won't believe w…

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I just know.


A client has booked coaching because he is wrestling with the big decision of whether to leave corporate life or to follow his dream job.

Before joining the Super Coach Academy, I would have prepared all sorts of pros and cons templates, life wheels, impact analysis for him. We would have spent hours working through the reasons, the benefits, the risks, the impact. In other words, to all of his thinking, we would have added a whole ton of more thinking. We would be up to our necks in thinking: tr…

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I'm an alien. I'm a room-less alien.



A flood in a New York hotel in St Patricks Day week and then a booking made by a travel website in a hotel that didn't have a room led to me wandering the streets between midnight and 2.30am with my suitcase and nowhere to go.

Even as I was wandering I could see my mind ramping itself up

Part of it was creating the future: Will I have to sleep on the street?  Is this where I die or get mugged? I imagined myself sleeping in a doorway and the terrible things that could happen. By 2.00am, 24 hours …

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The teaspoon, the dishwasher and the husband


I had a beautiful client yesterday who had recently received 'No's' to things that she had asked for. She was feeling blocked and frustrated.

"I guess I just have to accept it" she said when every aspect of her body language was shouting the opposite.

It led us onto a discussion about acceptance and change. When do we accept what is happening and when do we try to change it?

There is the Serenity Prayer of course - "God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to chang…

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