
It is slavery to live in the mind, unless it has become part of the body

"It's a Slavery to live in the mind unless it has become part of the body."  - Khalil Gibran

I came across this great quote the other day, and I wanted to share it with you.

In just 17 words,  it shows the imprisonment the mind creates and the freedom available when that is seen for what it is.

For those of us who suffer greatly from the thoughts and beliefs of the mind and the corresponding emotional experiences of anxiety, depression, isolation, withdrawal, conflict, it might be really obvious th…

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Defence and Capacity

A friend sent me a recent article by Sir Anthony Hopkins. Its essence was that we deserve the best and so when people treat us badly we should move away from them, have only those who cherish us in our life.

Many thousands of people thanked him for the article. It was a beautiful piece of writing.

And what more powerfully healthy message can there be than that we all deserve kindness, compassion, love, cherishing?

Let’s not ever forget that message. It is vital.

But it is missing a crucial element…


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The anatomy of stuckness

Let’s think of anything you’d like to change in your life or in the world right now but feel stuck with.

It could be relationships, finances, job, health, housing, motivation, fears, insecurities, … anything.

It could be wanting to change someone else that we worry about, are scared of or responsible for.

It could be racism, sexism, violence, climate change, terrorism, poverty, pandemics, politics…

Thought of something?

The  big question then is - what is stopping that change from happening right now…

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The Source

It’s easy when we talk about change, leadership, impact or influence to miss the single only thing worth looking at.

This verse from the Diamond Sutras, the world’s oldest printed book, tells us, through a conversation between the Buddha and his disciple Subhuti, what that thing is…

“Subhuti, if there were as many Ganges rivers as the number of grains of sand in the Ganges, would you say that the number of grains of sand in all those Ganges rivers would be very many?”

Subhuti answered, “Very many i…

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Changing The World: 3 Steps and 3 Outcomes

Often on our courses, there are conversations with parents wanting their kids to stop fighting or to help out more and adults who are angry at their parents.

There are employees wanting their bosses to change and bosses despairing over their employees.

There are women who are fed up with the pressure to look young and beautiful and men who are fed up with the pressure to be strong or successful.

There are coaches or therapists who want to find the right words to create freedom or peace for their cl…

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Escape to the Chateau


Don’t we all want to do that sometimes?

And isn’t it true that the thing we most want to escape from is our own self? The constantly blaming voice? The sense of being limited or trapped? The feeling that we are inadequate, not right or unworthy? The fear of the future? The regrets and anger at the past? The comparison to others? The resistance to what is going on around us, to the people who reject, criticise or demean us, to the boredom, frustration, exhaustion of just being who we are? 


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“This time, it’s personal”

It was the tag line from Jaws, The Revenge, famously one of the worst films ever made.

The shark is back and follows the Brody family from Amity Island to the Bahamas, strategically targeting them to extract its revenge.

The images and score of the original Jaws still haunt many of us every time we step into the ocean, such was the power of that film.

But Jaws 4… not so much…

The idea that a shark can be motivated not by hunger or survival but by revenge just didn’t hold water. It was ‘personal’ for…

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What does it mean to be well?

‘Make the suffering stop. It is overwhelming. Take away the anguish. Make me feel better. I’ve tried everything. This is my last hope.’

Maybe we all know that desperation. It might not be suffering in relation to health. It might be about our partner or money or family or career or colleagues or house. 

But the plea is the same ‘make the suffering stop’. And we try everything to get rid of it. All the time trying to get rid of the sensation of dis-ease, discomfort, insecurity, desperation through …

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Monday's blog post. So much love to you xx
Here’s our current operating model:
I, me, am the decision-maker, the controller, the experiencer.
I choose what words are said or written.
I am the doer.
I make the actions happen.
I am the command centre from which everything done in this body emanates. I am (or I should be - and I can take a lifetime trying to be) in control of all my behaviours, emotions, thoughts and experiences.
It is such a powerful m…

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Beyond the fear of an insecure self

It really looks like our happiness, security and well-being depend on the actions and words of others. 

At the level of physical impact it is certainly true that the  behaviours of this body here can cause that body there physical harm and vice versa. 

It really makes sense that this body here would move out of the way of whatever would damage it. 

We see this happening all the time as the form moves away from anything that would threaten that form. Zebras run from the pride of lions. Plants move o…

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