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We have a free foundation membership to explore what it really means to live your truth

This membership is the best free way to access clear and mind-blowing online private courses that allow you to dive deeper in the understanding of the self, and who we really are.

This is the end of the search for happiness, freedom and peace as it is revealed that this is what we already are - with a powerful mind that believes otherwise.

You can take your time to explore different courses, ask any questions in the REAL Facebook group and listen to the weekly podcast 

The feedback from our courses is phenomenal and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can read what our members think here

If you'd like some guidance on which course to begin with please email Clare on clare@claredimond.com

Join the Foundation membership

If you have any questions please reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to help!

No question too big or too small.


Foundation Membership