We have a free foundation membership to explore what it really means to live your truth

This membership is the best free way to access clear and mind-blowing online private courses that allow you to dive deeper in the understanding of the self, and who we really are.

This is the end of the search for happiness, freedom and peace as it is revealed that this is what we already are - with a powerful mind that believes otherwise.

You can take your time to explore different courses, ask any questions in the REAL Facebook group and listen to the weekly podcast 

The feedback from our courses is phenomenal and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can read what our members think here

If you'd like some guidance on which course to begin with please email Clare on clare@claredimond.com

Join the Foundation membership

If you have any questions please reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to help!

No question too big or too small.


Expansion  Membership

The Expansion membership is a subscription-based offering for those who want to take the next step in the exploration of reality, self, identity, behaviour and change. Every month there is a new interactive course, subliminal, webinar, workshop or other offering designed to make the exploration as clear and far-reaching as it possibly can be. 

One to one conversation slots are made available with recordings shared with the participants on the course. To support the monthly theme, there is a private members' podcast broadcast every week day which answers questions raised by the members and of course the Real Community Facebook page which is a place of great support, encouragement and responses. 

Participants in the Expansion Membership also have access to a suite of excellent past courses that are only available here as well as all the materials available in the Foundation Membership. 

Upon joining, you are enrolled in the current live course and are issued with a credit to purchase one of the private study courses. Once you complete each course, you will receive a new credit to purchase the next one. 

The feedback from our live courses has been phenomenal and these are included in the membership. You can read member testimonials here

Join the Expansion membership

If you have any questions please reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to help!

No question too big or too small.


  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare, Let's just say I give you 7 STARS out of 5!

    Healing, transformative love. That's what I received from Clare and my Reset friends on this powerful journey. Along with that love and the continual waking up to who/what I really am (presence, love, fun, joy, ease...), my relationships, work, health, finances, habitat, and my creative expression all flourished in ways I would never have imagined. If you're ready for life to be different, this is the group for you!

    Feedback - Honestly, I'd change nothing in my experience. I liked that there was a ton of material because it kept pushing on my story of I don't have time but I did. You provided so much in this course that it went above and beyond from the 1:1 coaching you generously offered to our group calls. Truly amazing, Clare, and I am eternally grateful to you. xo”

    Melissa Ford Coaching

  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare, the WANT course was absolutely wonderful. I don’t know how you manage to record in advance a video that addresses a question or concern of mine each morning that I listen. Just wonderful! Totally mind-blowing!
    Throughout this year taking your courses so much has become clear. The suffering, the new information, and the logic of it all has resulted in major shifts.
    I came to your work to learn more about nonduality. But really with the ulterior motive of fixing/curing/solving a lifelong muddle of body/food/weight. What has shifted deeply is the knowing and respecting the logic and wisdom of the body. Shame and guilt and layers upon layers of innocent misperceptions and concepts have collapsed. Compassion and love flows through. ”

Explore what is real

Have you ever found yourself saying ‘yes’ when really your whole being is saying a definite ‘no’?

Ever find yourself going silent in work or relationships or conversely talking out of discomfort and awkwardness?

Ever think there is a creativity and expression within you that is being muted in some way?

Ever struggle to ask for what you want?

Do you often find yourself annoyed over external factors that you think are impacting your life?

Do you find yourself asking questions like 'How do I stop taking things personally?' or 'How do I find more happiness and freedom?'

Are you rooted by fear or phobias, unable to move forward in your life?

What if the answer to all these questions was already within you?

Imagine knowing the true nature of thought

What we are looking for is here already. It is the search for it that obscures it. It is the idea of ourself as separate, as needing something that hides the wholeness of being that is all there is. It is this idea that is the only confusion.

There are ways – many ways – in which the realisation of true nature and, with that, a dramatic reduction in how suffering is misunderstood – can be brought about without creating more confusion. Asking the right question takes us to the freedom of the body to express its ‘dis-ease’…

The freedom to honour the current experience…

The freedom that is veiled by the limited believed idea of what we are, of what we have to do, of how we have to live and which is revealed as that idea loses its grip…

The freedom for changes to be made, ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to be said, harm to be prevented, desire and needs to be expressed…

The freedom of life aligned, expressed, balanced and nourished in that individual…

And, ultimately, the freedom to bring this about for all seven billion of us.

Because, up until then, I thought that stress and anxiety meant that I had to think more to find the solution and to change things in my life to feel OK.

I thought that I had to be a certain way to be successful and to avoid failure.

I thought that everything in life came from thinking more and working harder.

I believed it was all on my shoulders, that the buck stopped with me.

This only meant more stress, more anxiety and more worrying.

Then one day, I realised that who I am has nothing to do with the thoughts about myself.

You, like me, will realise this.

And when you do, you will see beyond the ‘you’ that you have worried about, tried to improve and protect.

Any idea of who you are will disappear as you become a channel for inspiration, for life, for awareness of the miracle of our true nature.


Dive deeper

Access to all self study courses and current live courses, webinar, workshops or subliminal recordings while you are a member. With more content being created all the time… this really is a fantastic way to continue your journey.

From here, every aspect of life can reveal who we really are.

Read more about the membership

Get the Newsletter

If you're new to this conversation and are a little bit curious, you can read more on our blog and sign up to our newsletter to get our weekly roundup of content.

Get the newsletter

Clare Dimond

“I just want to say thank you. I listen to the subliminal most days. I listen to your podcast a few times a week. I was thinking today, how strange, this woman I’ve never “met” but who has been a wonderful companion, a sane voice, a healing presence for almost a year.

I hope you feel the love that you send out into the universe.

Thank you”

Member of the REAL community

Are you curious about the infinite, unconditional nature of being?

Get the free five-day REAL mini programme delivered straight to your inbox for an exploration of the understanding behind freedom,  integrity, authenticity and wholeness.

  • Clare Dimond

    “I’ve watched two or three videos from the Real course and I already see something I hadn’t seen before. I wanted to thank you for this work. You strike me as a gentle and authentic human being. This is a fantastic recommendation!”

  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare’s live programs are excellent – and amazing value!

    Based on a topic, they have enough structure to give them focus, and enough flexibility that they aren’t held tightly to that. A richness of learning comes from this.

    Clare also uses fresh content every month so it’s never a stale conversation from a previous time, and she responds to the questions and needs coming up in the group.

    Incredible to have such a tailored service for a group programme. ”


  • Clare Dimond

    “The realization that knowing my true nature may not change a thing in my external experience was huge. Suddenly all the intense spinning of needing things to be healed or better could also ease…or not because ultimately that’s an external experience too. Strangely there is relief in knowing that the health struggles and difficult feelings could last my entire life, becuase suddenly the burden of needing to know how to fix my ‘brokeness’ can leave. I am really seeing that I am just life living. It’s pretty wild.

    Thank you for your work and sharing what you’ve learned”

  • Clare Dimond

    ““I have been doing Clare’s courses for a while so when she offered Reset I knew I had to be part of it.

    To be honest I don’t think I can put into words the transformation I got from Reset.

    My whole perspective of life changed, I got a deeper understanding of non-duality and loved how practical the course was.

    I also got to connect deeply with the most amazing group and we got to share so much and learn so much from each other.

    I had the opportunity to have a few one to one calls where I could discuss or clarify anything that was in my mind and I felt really supported throughout the whole process by Clare.

    I am so grateful to have been part of it and I 100% recommend this programme to anyone who wants to get out of their 'loop of resistance’ and get more aligned to the truth of who we really are.””

    Finance Empowerment Coach

  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare's work is for anyone who is curious and ready to stop searching to fix themselves or the world inside the story.

    With her love and honesty she takes you through a deeper inquiry and exploration what is real and what isn't and who we really are. Her work challenged everything I knew soo far to be true and boy that on occasions pissed me off :) It takes guts to stay in this conversation and I believe it's the only one I'll ever need. ”

  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare's teachings are so profound and different to what most other people are teaching- certainly in the arena of traditional mental health- that this work has the potential for enormous change.

    The experience of life and what's changed since following Clare has been subtle but at the same time expansive. To the outside nothing looks different, but life is different. Life flows better. Relationships improve. Opportunities are seen and grabbed more of the time. A deeper peace (mostly) pervades. A lightness. A joy (more of the time than before). There's less fear. And very small day-to-day things change as if by magic.

    It makes this mind-body feel different, more expansive and free. Life is far from perfect of course, and there are still ups and down to traverse, but life has definitely improved since starting with Clare's courses, particularly HOME. And Clare is so lovely, kind, compassionate and knowledgeable. It's a pleasure to listen to her.”

  • Clare Dimond

    “One thing I’ve heard a lot while being in this 3 principles conversation is to “listen for a feeling.”

    This course brought so much peace to my life. It helped me understand so much of why I am the way I am and I feel like I am so much more compassionate toward not only others but myself as well.

    This is huge for me because I’ve always approached myself with a lot of judgment. ”

  • Clare Dimond

    “The HOME course really felt like a game changer to me. It was the first course I participated in having listened to Clare's Podcast for a while. Now I'm finding that I'm really navigating my days in the spirit of enquiry as opposed to trying to get somewhere.

    Every experience and interaction is revealing something new. Life really does feel like an exploration now. It's impossible to articulate the shift. I can't ever really know, but it seems that the subliminals have played a huge role in this.

    The one to one conversations were so beautiful, every single one contained something I could relate to. So helpful.

    Being a part of the FB group has meant I can get feedback on the things that are coming up for me in my day to day life. ”

  • Clare Dimond

    “Clare, the WANT course was absolutely wonderful. I don’t know how you manage to record in advance a video that addresses a question or concern of mine each morning that I listen. Just wonderful! Totally mind-blowing!
    Throughout this year taking your courses so much has become clear. The suffering, the new information, and the logic of it all has resulted in major shifts.
    I came to your work to learn more about nonduality. But really with the ulterior motive of fixing/curing/solving a lifelong muddle of body/food/weight. What has shifted deeply is the knowing and respecting the logic and wisdom of the body. Shame and guilt and layers upon layers of innocent misperceptions and concepts have collapsed. Compassion and love flows through. ”

  • Clare Dimond

    “Thank you for the huge clarity in your teaching. I love your realization and find you are a really accessible lovely teacher. I am a 71 year old woman who has been loving spiritual work since I was 30.
    C. …..CLARE
    C. …….CLARITY

    Author, Wise Leadership