Want a Thriving Solo Business?


[Excerpt from EASE].

Maybe you have seen for yourself how sometimes work seems complicated and sometimes straightforward.

Maybe you have questioned how free will can be possible when there is no control over which thoughts come to mind and over which are believed.

Maybe you have seen how everything you think about yourself and what you do can change. And that therefore your nature is pure potential not a fixed limited identity.

Maybe you have noticed the freedom of those moments at work of no self-consciousness, no self-obsession when you are just awareness being, living and doing.

Maybe you have experienced a moment of absolute stillness in which there is no you, no colleague or client, just presence.

A lifetime of building an idea of self and an idea of a world of work and money is not easily questioned but every tiny shift in understanding opens up possibility and potential.

Let’s review what happens to our idea of work when we start to see the truth of who we are.

1. We see through the belief in ourself as a fixed identity and we show up to work as the unique, intelligent, life force we really are.

We all know people who shine with the freedom of no fixed, limited idea of self to defend.

And we all know people trapped, muffled and dulled by self-consciousness, weighed down by imaginary limits, lost in the endless seeking of approval or affirmation. And we all know people bristling with self-protection, alert for any slight, quick to anger and rebuttal, defensiveness continually bubbling away under the surface smiles.

As we see through the beliefs that create an idea of self, our true essence is freed up to shine so brightly it lights up the world. As we drop any idea of who we are, the illusory trap of needing to be someone dissolves. In the dissolving our uniqueness shines through. We finally live as who we really are.

2. We see through the futility of resistance and live the perfection of what we are doing right now.

The striving and the seeking come from an identity that can only assert itself in the need for something else. In those moments of no seeking and no striving there is just being and doing, just pure immersion in life and in what is. No thought of anything needed or anything to change. There is not even an identity there to want something else. There is just the pure presence of life in infinite abundance. And from this space, living the perfection and freedom of right now, anything is possible.

3. We see through the belief that work will make us happy and instead, through work (and everything else) we express the joy of our true nature

This one is quite paradoxical and also entirely logical. It is the search for happiness that makes us unhappy. It is the search for security that creates insecurity. When we realise that all emotions are simply part of life, that all experiences are welcome, then we live as we are – the space in which all of life appears and disappears. With no resistance and no fear there is simply the pure joy and love of life. We find ourselves more immersed in life than ever before. Our work expresses that understanding.

4. We see through the division between ourselves and those we work with and we find ourselves in clear integrity

This is a good one for those who believe that we need to hold on to the idea of separate others in order to protect ourselves. It is impossible that other people are separate from us because the idea of every single person, ourselves included, is a creation of perception. And what is really cool is that, as we see this, we come into every interaction with curiosity, openness and integrity. We find ourselves acting from the deepest honesty. Why wouldn’t we? We are only ever interacting with ourselves.

5. We see through the idea of free will and we live in infinite potential, unlimited possibility.

When we live an idea of ourselves as a separate individual believing our thoughts there is no possibility of freedom. Whatever thoughts are believed will create the reality experienced and the behaviour that results – trapping us in the world of conditioned, repetitive, habitual thought. Freedom lies in seeing the nature of thought to create an idea of self, of life, of the world, of others, of things that must be done. Freedom lies in seeing that ultimately we are consciousness, the space in which all this appears, in which there is nothing that has to be done, resisted or changed and in which there is unlimited potential for anything.

So in other words this exploration is a ‘pathless path’. It is us, right here, in the miracle reality of who we are. It is us with all the layers taken off. It is us, realising the essence of life and the essence of who we are. There is authentic expression like never before. There are no limits on what is possible. We are infinite potential. Unlimited freedom.

This is life as it is right now but seen clearly for what it truly is.

This is us as we are right now but seen clearly for what we truly are.

This is work, money, bosses, colleagues, clients, careers, creation as they are right now but seen clearly for what they truly are.

Everything is the same and yet it could not be more different.

Work could not be more different.


I am very excited to be co-hosting a 3 hour workshop called 'Want a Thriving Solo Business?' exploring a game changing understanding to enable you ​to truly thrive running your own business!

We will be looking at running your own business from the perspective of what is really going on with perception, beliefs etc as well as properly exploring the practical with topics such as:

~ Money Obstacles
~ Being ‘Good Enough’
~ Releasing Comfort Zones
~ Failing and succeeding
~ Maintaining the Mojo
~ Managing ’time’
~ Decision Making

Please click here to learn more about the workshop


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