Testimonials from members

“This course was wonderful! They all are, but this seemed to be so practical, so resonate, so true. The logic of the body/mind pursuit of peace and love and security by circles that ultimately maintain that which it is using to fix is impeccable and undeniable. "My" own crazy seeming behavior made sense! Shame of the behavior could suddenly be looked at with compassion and love and seen beyond to try something new. Tears are welling up as I write this. Life-changing course!
In this course, the presentation on shame sunk deeply into the marrow of my being and a huge weight melted. I saw/felt/knew the logic of if I'm not the doer. If it's not by my choice that these words are said, actions taken, how can I be at fault? As I let myself off the hook, without the weight of the shame and blame, I realized at a deeper level the no doer, no me. It's like when the shame melted it took with it the identification with the separation self and its apparent actions. I saw the body/mind conditioning in action, and that the true responsibility lay there. So freeing. So good!
As to practical matters, I really love the short videos that come every 3 days. The timing is just right as it gives me time to absorb the content before the next one arrives. The content of these are stellar. They build one on another. Clare's delivery -- what can I say? So human and kind and fiercely logical. I just love when Clare laughs with us at our human foibles and how she gets so enthusiastic proclaiming each course her favorite! I love that we're all expanding/healing/awakening together. I want to cheer, too, for the webinars, the conversations, the podcasts, the community. It's all so good.”

“Clare is a beautiful, deeply compassionate and powerful leader. Understanding and unwavering in guiding one back to truth. I'm so grateful to be on this journey with her.”

“The realization that knowing my true nature may not change a thing in my external experience was huge. Suddenly all the intense spinning of needing things to be healed or better could also ease…or not because ultimately that’s an external experience too. Strangely there is relief in knowing that the health struggles and difficult feelings could last my entire life, becuase suddenly the burden of needing to know how to fix my ‘brokeness’ can leave. I am really seeing that I am just life living. It’s pretty wild.
Thank you for your work and sharing what you’ve learned.”

“I just finished listening to your utterly brilliant response to the participant in your Energy course who is struggling with histamine issues. My mind was immediately transported back to 2019 when I was taking all of you courses, and when I took REAL for the second time in October of that year, my own histamine symptoms went through the roof! I was terrified. And yet, something kept my ass on the seat in your course. My mind hated every word you said, and my body’s histamine symptoms increased and morphed daily as I continued the exploration.
And then, for whatever reason I’ll never know, something deep within me really SAW that the symptoms were BRILLIANT. They were my greatest teachers. Something within me stopped fighting them so much. There was a knowing that the actual physical symptoms were somehow doing amazing work on behalf of this exploration and expansion. By December, they diminished and by January, they were gone altogether. They simply were no longer needed.
Now, I see the beauty and intelligence in the body’s sensations and symptoms. I recently wrote a love letter to my brilliant body with all its adorable little idiosyncrasies.
Thank you, Clare, for always pointing us INTO the very core of the body, the sensations, and the emotions.❤️ So very helpful. ”

“I love the content. It's so rich and insightful into human behaviour / psychology. Clare breaks the information down into learnable sections that build on one another which supports understanding/learning. Clare's work is so rich, deep and insightful, I'm in awe of how she creates so many brilliant courses. If you want to see changes in yourself and your life, look no further. You've found what you're looking for. ”

“I liked the structure of the course and how the ways in were clearly distinguished from each other. Having the subliminals build up in the same way was great. The one to one conversations were probably the most revealing in terms of seeing how this understanding plays out in the actual experience of those on the course. They often answered questions I didn't consciously know I had!
The HOME course really felt like a game changer to me. It was the first course I participated in having listened to Clare's Podcast for a while. Now I'm finding that I'm really navigating my days in the spirit of enquiry as opposed to trying to get somewhere. Every experience and interaction is revealing something new. Life really does feel like an exploration now. It's impossible to articulate the shift. I can't ever really know, but it seems that the subliminals have played a huge role in this. The one to one conversations were so beautiful, every single one contained something I could relate to. So helpful. Being a part of the FB group has meant I can get feedback on the things that are coming up for me in my day to day life. ”

“Clare's work is for anyone who is curious and ready to stop searching to fix themselves or the world inside the story. With her love and honesty she takes you through a deeper inquiry and exploration what is real and what isn't and who we really are. Her work challenged everything I knew soo far to be true and boy that on occasions pissed me off :) It takes guts to stay in this conversation and I believe it's the only one I'll ever need. ”

“I joined the REAL membership just a few months ago, knowing that there was a calling, a drawing to look differently at life. To go a little deeper. To go in with more compassion to integrate all parts of the timeline of life rather than pushing it away. To continue bearing witness to the unraveling and falling away of the stories and conditioning that had been deeply believed about life and about myself.
Within the two live courses I have participated in and the two I have done on my own, I have been drawn out. Drawn out of conclusions and expectations. Drawn out of a closed corner of my personal mind, into a spacious field of openness, curiosity, and playfulness. Drawn to love, drawn to parenting and loving the wounded child on the timeline of life, invited to be curious, to look lovingly in the eyes of myself, asked to consider, and be open.
Clare has an innate way of bringing people through a back door of life to look square in the eyes of ourselves and the history we think we created. She embodies both a mothering presence and a fathering presence. A holding of all things, a spaciousness, authentic compassion, along with a simple, kind way of calling everyone to “giddy-up!” A clear way of communicating the reality of the both-and. The duality of life + the non-duality. The form + the formless. The human + the divine. She offers a firm and quiet yes to the both-and. Which creates a space for feeling held and seen and heard and accepted "as is."
Within that, transformation and change have happened. Ideas and stories have been unlearned, and curiosity about what I truly am has brought me back to home base. To the origin of experience. Here. Within me. Within this totally unique combination and chemistry of me. That cannot ever be compared to anyone or anything else. Or to another "me" on the timeline of life.
REAL membership offers community and communion, communication, and compassion. REAL membership offers a real look and deep conversations into what this reality is truly all about. ”

“Clare's teachings are so profound and different to what most other people are teaching- certainly in the arena of traditional mental health- that this work has the potential for enormous change.
The experience of life and what's changed since following Clare has been subtle but at the same time expansive. To the outside nothing looks different, but life is different. Life flows better. Relationships improve. Opportunities are seen and grabbed more of the time. A deeper peace (mostly) pervades. A lightness. A joy (more of the time than before). There's less fear. And very small day-to-day things change as if by magic. It makes this mind-body feel different, more expansive and free.
Life is far from perfect of course, and there are still ups and down to traverse, but life has definitely improved since starting with Clare's courses, particularly HOME. And Clare is so lovely, kind, compassionate and knowledgeable. It's a pleasure to listen to her.”

“The course opened a whole new perspective for me at a period in my life when I was really struggling. I have been in the 3 Principals conversation for a couple of years but knowing it was ‘just my thinking’ was really not helping me. I just couldn’t find any peace with the situation I was in.
A friend sent me details of the HOME course and said she thought it would be helpful. I didn’t know what non duality was. I hadn’t heard of Clare either. I reached out to Clare and she was so sympathetic to what I was going through and I took a leap of faith and signed up for the Home course. It has had an unexpectedly profound effect on me in terms of the way I view challenging situations and the perception of self. I have continued with Clare’s teaching and find it so helpful even if it has challenged many previous held beliefs of who we really are. Confronting as this is, Clare delivers her message with warmth and empathy which was so reassuring when I felt I was operating from a place of feeling broken and having to ‘fix’.
I’d highly recommend the Home course as a primer to Clare’s teachings. I’ve re-read her book ‘Real’ since the course and it resonated even more following the course. Clare’s podcast is also the perfect accompaniment to the course. I felt as if I had a friend in my corner throughout as well as the lovely private Facebook Group. ”
“Clare's teaching is helping me see deeper into my core identity & behaviour. It times it isn't easy to really look there but I am more & more settled in the being space.”

“Clare is really wonderful at content, understanding, and delivery. She helped to tease out the last bits of this system attempting to secure a false self and there is only gratitude and love for all that she does for this awakening world.”

“Just a line to say that your podcasts are an almost daily essential for me to reset, regroup and centre myself. I loved your podcast dialogue with Dr Amy Johnson, it was such an interesting conversation; it was a delight to hear the exchange.
I can’t help thinking a conversation between yourself and Rupert Spira would be quite amazing!
Even when I’m having awful days, especially so perhaps- I am brought back a little closer to the truth. At the moment I do 10 mins of audio Bhagavad Gita and then one of your podcasts, a powerful combo!

“One thing I’ve heard a lot while being in this 3 principles conversation is to “listen for a feeling.” This course brought so much peace to my life. It helped me understand so much of why I am the way I am and I feel like I am so much more compassionate toward not only others but myself as well. This is huge for me because I’ve always approached myself with a lot of judgment. ”

“The most helpful presentation of the concept of nonduality while embracing an appreciation of the role of form and the formless without dismissing form. Clare is a beautiful, tender, wise, and open teacher. She has a great sense of humor and is approachable, accepting, and patient. ”

“I want to thank Clare as it’s very frightening to move through my shames and blames as I really feel a lot in my body, it’s always in my stomach and my chest. I really really feel that Clare holds the space for this to happen and all the support of everyone in this conversation is so beautiful. There is nothing that you are going through that someone else hasn’t gone through or their own equivalent of shame, blame and fear. We are all here because we have seen something that resonates with us and Clare is the person we all see the truth in. It’s in her eyes.”

“Time and time again I am amazed and impressed with Clare's teaching and I see how the truth of it changes my outlook on life. ”

“An amazing immersion into discovering who you really are. A beautiful conversation led by one of the most compassionate, calm and centred people I know.”

“A really insightful webinar which gave me a much deeper understanding of your work in a way that brought real clarity of mind for me. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much for the FOOD webinar. I wrote to you last year and told you I was using the GOLD course and substituting food for money and wished for a similar "plan of action" for food.
This FOOD course exceeded my expectations! It was just brilliant. The two parts really spoke to something deep within me. I've been relistening to it and it's so rich and true.
And the subliminal! OH MY GOSH! It's pure magic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
I've been listening to the Music 1 track. For some of the other subliminals I've had that "resistance" headache. But this one seems to sink in and a calm and peace and unnameless presence is all there is everywhere.
It's only been a few days of listening, but I've found myself mid-reach for a snack and withdrawing my hand. A thought comes, "I'm not really hungry. Why eat it?"
Thank you and I love you are so inadequate. I hope you can feel the feelings I'm sending you in these words. ”

“Clare is the real deal! She is honest about her own journey and never allows herself “off the hook”. She works hard to create content that is real, deep, well thought out and planned. Her offerings are top notch. She gives time, attention, and love to everything she does. I am always in awe during live webinars with how patient , clear, and kind she is to each and every one of us. She laughs easily and is simply a joy to be around. I am thrilled to call her one of my mentors and teachers.”

“The REAL Membership has been a huge blessing for me over the past year. I have gained so much more awareness of my own conditioning and how my perception of myself and others is created.
Membership of REAL offered the opportunity to see anew what I thought I needed to 'get there' through webinars, short videos and time for 1-1 questions, to what is real, what is essentially the truth of who we are.
The value on offer with current and previous courses is more than enough for a deep dive into what you think you think about yourself and others. Clare offers all this with the most loving, gentle kindness whilst holding us to truth all at the same time.
Thank you Clare, with love”
Hello my name is Clare.
For a long time, I wasn’t at ease with who I thought I was.
I worried that people would think I was stupid.
I worried about getting things wrong.
I held myself back in case I would mess things up. I felt stressed, ill at ease, apprehensive.
I didn’t like myself or how I was in the world.
I spent many many years reading, studying, attending courses, talking to people to try to find a way to feel better about myself and along the way earned many qualifications
(BA Psych, MBA, NLP trainer, yoga teacher, master hypnotist…).
Then I came across an understanding that made it clear we are never what we think we are and the world is never what we believe it to be. That our true nature is lies in the pure aliveness of being and in the simple awareness of whatever arises.
This realisation was pure freedom. There was nothing to fix. Not with myself and not with the world. As this is realised, the stories fall away to reveal the pure intelligence of our being meeting reality.
As freedom and peace, there is a simple, easy and sane immersion in life.
Each of us is already what we are searching for. It is that simple.
By purchasing or attending any activity with Clare, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended and fully agreed with the following disclaimer.
The website claredimond.com and all programmes are for general information only.
Never, ever disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional advice as a result of something you have read on this site or from anything that Clare says or writes to you. She shall not be liable for claims or damages, and expressly disclaims any and all liability of any nature, for any action, or non-action, taken as a result of her work.
Using Clare's services, reading her books, engaging in her programmes, facebook community is entirely at your own risk without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information given, advice, or opinion. The services are requested by your own choice and with your inherent singular responsibility.