Join Rohini Ross and Clare Dimond in a powerful in-person or live-streamed event exploring how freedom and truth are found in relationships and particularly in grief, loss, resistance and rejection.
Drawing on their own lives, Rohini and Clare will hold an interactive and practical session looking at the sanity and confusion within these powerful experiences and all types of relationships.
Over the course of the four hours, we will consider what our relationships reveal about imagination and reality, about who we are and who other people are, about bypass and denial, and about the sanity of existence.
Let these experiences be portals to your rewilding so you can come more fully alive.
The in-person event will take place in Clare's living room in Marlborough, and it will also be simultaneously live-streamed for those living further afield.
The afternoon retreat will include:
Rohini and Clare's own personal experiences in this area
Reflections on the 3 Principles and non-duality
Interactive exercises
Small group and buddy work
Coaching conversations with Rohini and Clare
A free relationship subliminal to deepen the resonance of what has been seen during the retreat.
The event takes place from 3pm to 7pm with a vegetarian buffet dinner for in person attendees.
Places secured on payment. 34% Discount for members.
Due to the intimate nature of this event, numbers are limited.
Rohini is the co-founder with Angus of “The Rewilders.” They love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord in their relationships by pointing them to their innate wisdom and wellbeing. They work with couples who are struggling and couples who would like to deepen the love and intimacy they already have. They co-facilitate private couples’ intensives that rewild relationships back to their natural state of love.
Rohini is also the author of the ebook Marriage, and she and Angus are co-founders of The 29-Day Rewilding Experience and The Rewilding Community. You can follow Rohini on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about her work and subscribe to her blog visit:
Rohini lives with Angus and two teenage daughters in Topanga, CA. She loves to hike with her dog Niko, read, watch films, eat delicious food, and spend time with friends and family.
Hello my name is Clare.
For a long time, I wasn’t at ease with who I thought I was.
I worried that people would think I was stupid.
I worried about getting things wrong.
I held myself back in case I would mess things up. I felt stressed, ill at ease, apprehensive.
I didn’t like myself or how I was in the world.
I spent many many years reading, studying, attending courses, talking to people to try to find a way to feel better about myself and along the way earned many qualifications
(BA Psych, MBA, NLP trainer, yoga teacher, master hypnotist…).
Then I came across an understanding that made it clear we are never what we think we are and the world is never what we believe it to be. That our true nature is lies in the pure aliveness of being and in the simple awareness of whatever arises.
This realisation was pure freedom. There was nothing to fix. Not with myself and not with the world. As this is realised, the stories fall away to reveal the pure intelligence of our being meeting reality.
As freedom and peace, there is a simple, easy and sane immersion in life.
Each of us is already what we are searching for. It is that simple.

“I really saw how i create my relationships specifically to secure my idea of how i am...this course showed me that if i really look at those people as if they were aliens, I have a chance of seeing you they really are and then i may be able to create a relationship of vibrance and aliveness that goes beyond my dead/old idea of who I am and who they are.”

“Being in the room with Rohini and Clare was awesome. Their wisdom and love in the moment challenging and supporting us to see aspects of relationships with fresh eyes, enabled a sense of knowing of a deeper truth, that relationships are serving us as a mirror to reveal our own hidden subconscious patterns. ”

“Clare's understanding about what we are and her ability to gently point to it over and over again is so wonderful. She is patient, kind, and so willing to take people to the place where the truth lives and can live in each and every one of us if we do the work. She is a true teacher, guide, mentor, and friend on the journey. ”

“How beautiful it was to be able to share in the energy of the time we spent together online and at home with Rohini and Clare. I am still blown away at times when I meet someone in a break-out room that I have never met before and yet when I share I am speaking into a space where others know of the experiences I share and what I am seeing because they too are in that present moment experiencing or have experienced the same. It is quite wonderful to feel that connection to another's journey and their soul energy.
Rohini and Clare share their experiences and vulnerability with a deep and loving understanding of how we all are navigating life experiences and how to welcome and embrace that energy. If others have an opportunity to spend time with you both it is truly a gift.”

“If you enjoy the work of Clare and Rohini then an in person event with them is a real treat and a blessing. Immersion in an event for a few hours is a great way to experience their work and you'll be made to feel so welcome and part of the group no matter what your personal circumstances. It's very inclusive and a beautiful space to relax in. Highly recommended! ”

“Rohini and Clare both have such a warm compassionate way of listening and teaching. What they see individually is a compliment to what they are both pointing us to in our humanness and the design behind our experiences with relationships. It was a beautiful time exploring together.”
By purchasing or attending any activity with Clare, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended and fully agreed with the following disclaimer.
The website and all programmes are for general information only.
Never, ever disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional advice as a result of something you have read on this site or from anything that Clare says or writes to you. She shall not be liable for claims or damages, and expressly disclaims any and all liability of any nature, for any action, or non-action, taken as a result of her work.
Using Clare's services, reading her books, engaging in her programmes, facebook community is entirely at your own risk without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information given, advice, or opinion. The services are requested by your own choice and with your inherent singular responsibility.